Land Based Shark fishing Charters
We now offer land based shark fishing charters! Catch a shark and learn a great deal about sharks and shark fishing while having a awesome family or friends adventure!
Monster Shark Trips: This is where we bring out the big heavy tackle! 50lb,80lb and 130lb tackle will be used. Stand up fighting harness and heavy game rods will help you land the giants! Spring time and early summer months are your best shot at landing a true giant! evening and night trips.

Blacktip Shark migration trips: mostly surf casting gear or kayaking on the calmer days, these trips are focused in the winter months. Its not uncomman to have 10-15+ fish trips with blacktips ranging in the 4-6ft range and weighing up to 150lbs! these are some of the most agressive and toughest fighters there is!

We can custom cater to you, and your needs to provide you with the most exciting trip possible! call us to discuss every option available!
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*Rates $500.00 for 6 hours of Guided land based shark fishing trip.
Includes 2 anglers but other friends or family may tag along to watch or help out, more anglers can be added upon request, if no sharks are caught only 200$ trip price is charged.
Whats Included:
*complete line of high end fishing rods and reels for you to use.
*bait, hooks,line, and every piece of tackle needed to land some big sharks!
*kayak and kayak operater will be provied for paddling out the larger baits
*photo services, great quality photos will be taken, but please do bring your camara for personal use.
What you will need to bring:
* yourself in well condition, it takes alot of effort to reel in a big one!
*food and drinks
*chair to relax in
*bug spray for night trips and sunscreen for day trips
*florida saltwater shore fishing licensce, purchased at any local tackle shop or online, ($17 for out of state anglers)
*camera to capture the good time!
We can go over everything youll need based on what type of trip you will be doing and what time of year your coming. All sharks are catch and release only.